
Saturday, December 29, 2012

Cloud 9 Clothing on The Avenue

While shooting the Hampden windows post I ran into one of Eric's soccer buddies on The Avenue. Randy and Priya were setting up their shop to open in time for the Mayor's Christmas Parade. Cloud 9 is a boutique clothing store with trendy items for this preppy girl's closet. A great fit for this mostly vintage neighborhood.

They were open and poured wine for us to keep warm while watching the parade. I loved this shop while it was on the Hopkins campus. E and I would grab coffee or Chipotle and he would patiently wait for me while I stopped in at Cloud 9. The best part is that you can find original items that not everyone else is wearing for affordable prices.

That gold little number would be perfect for a New Years Eve wedding, don't you think?

SDM even shopped for his sister here before Christmas with me. Preppies unite!

I've never understood trends and how things get to a tipping point of coolness but bird nerds are uniting everywhere this season with bird prints popping up everywhere. 

Go stop by and see Henry at the Hampden shop. 

Welcome to the neighborhood.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see they've reopened. They were at Belvedere Square.
