We are very lucky to live in such an incredibly creative and antique savvy city. We have a plethora of fabulous thrift shops, antique dealers and architectural salvage warehouses within three miles of our home. My husband E. is really into Mid-Century modern furniture. We purchased a mid-mod desk a few years ago on Craig's List and recently sold it to make room for a bowling alley (more on that later). The gentleman who bought it from us had just come from Orion's Objects moments before landing at Stone Hill. We had to go check out this place in which he spoke. They are not yet opened but the charming owner, Eddie, will meet you there in minutes upon calling. They are quite literally over the light rail at the Clipper Mill stop.
I can hear my aunt Susan swooning all the way from Brooklyn.
The whole studio reminds me of the set of Mad Men. I find that show deathly dull but do love the vintage clothing and decor. Someone get me a scotch on the rocks, stat.
When it comes to our home decor I'd love to have Emily Henderson give us a style diagnostic. I have a serious girl crush on her and DVR her Secrets from a Stylist show on HGTV. I'm stalking her on Pinterest and just love her free spirit and energetic little self. I would guess E and my taste would be something called Industrial Mid-Century Equestrian Prep...if that is even possible. Or North African Industrial Mid-Century Modern...or Mid-Century Asian Fusion Traditional. Ha! Right now the house is an eclectic mess of traditional hand me down antiques. Not complaining but we need Emily most def!

We love reclaimed objects and just found a killer remnant from a bowling alley at Housewerks a few months ago. I love that years of games and fun times happened on this bowling alley lane from Baltimore. Ben at Housewerks is the best and if you tell him what you are looking for, he may just have something tucked away in one of the "Wire'esque" shipping containers on the property. I found the blond rolling chair for $19 at Overstock Outlet. The chair comes from a W hotel and they sell hotel furniture at a steep discount. Eddie from Orion's Objects gave us the name of an upholsterer and we hope to have the chairs redone. I went back for a second one and have now dubbed our home office the Breezeway Boardroom.
Taken with Instagram at the Starbucks in Locust Point
We will have the table completed with these sexy legs. Industrial, right Emily? I'm kind of digging the new look at Starbuck's. They are picking up on the communal table that many of our favorite coffee haunts have.
Eddie is great to locals. His business is booming and now that he has more space he can take photos and post on his website. Many of the items were already sold heading up north to...you guessed it...Brooklyn.
We are still on the hunt for two lounge chairs in the Breezeway. I loved the color of this little cutie.
Thank you for your time Eddie and wonderful tour of the studio. Look forward to seeing you again soon. Emily H if you are ever out East please come and style our boardroom. Merci!