
Tuesday, July 21, 2015

K+T Welcome Party

We ran into some of our favorite Baltimore friends in Philly on the way to the welcome party for Katie and Tony's wedding weekend (a thousand weeks ago...I've been busy). We spotted them a mile away from their way cool jackets.

The welcome gathering was at the Colonial Dames club in Philadelphia. I stole this photo from the Wedding Party App. I think it's Sandy's. (Again channeling Katie and her stealing of FB photos.)

Texas girls

It was a perfect night for an outdoor reception.

We were welcomed with yards of candy, sweets and macaroons. I did fill a bag with the strawberry chocolate dipped pretzels. Sounds awful but they were awfully good the morning after the wedding.

I've said it before, but I love that all of our friends are friends. Kevin and Carla were part of the reason we moved to Baltimore from DC 8 years ago.

Milkshakes were passed with tiny sugar cookies. Such a bad picture, but such a great passed item.

Vinnie, Michelle and Scott did a whole secret photo tour of the house that showed up on the App. I think this was taken in the ladies lounge. Laugh out loud hilarious.

Linda and I admired the flowers. You can see her in the mirror if you look really closely.

Toby wanted to make sure our George was photographed with George George.

Three-chins-in fun!

The after party was at some place called the Black Sheep Irish Pub. Scott had a custom jacket on with little sheep on the inside. When I told the owner he said, straight faced and dull as dirt, "Neat." Despite the bland response, the place worked out perfectly for 50 friends to descend on, all at once. There was an upstairs bar and we took over the joint.

Linda selfie. I am now blind and need glasses all day because I can't see my food or my phone without them. I love my glasses but never imagined needing them. Thank you over 40.

We didn't go that crazy, knowing we had a big fun day ahead of us.

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