
Saturday, April 27, 2013

Elizabeth Clare's Baptism and Christ Church, Georgetown Windows

Last weekend we jumped in the car at the crack of dawn to get to Christ Church, Georgetown in time for Hastings' little sister's baptism. We haven't seen Marge and Scott in forever! It was a great excuse to road trip to DC. I loved working at Christ Church for almost 3 years and always loved when Stuart would point out the stained glass window of Christ's baptism by John.

Elizabeth Clare was sound asleep during the service. This was the first time we met her. 

Facebook steal from Emily Miller
She fussed a little during the baptism but Stuart always does an incredible job connecting with the newly baptized. It's like the kid knows some deeper truth and gets quiet at just the right time.

It was so wonderful being home. I feel like I truly grew up in this church. I had to go shoot a few of my favorite things while we were there.

I call this window "Michael's" Mary and Jesus window because it is Michael, the Music Director's, office window. See the organ pipes to the right? Michael plays the organ to the glow of this window every Sunday. 

This is a better detail shot. I'm still learning how to shoot stained glass windows. They are tricky. 

The parents, godparents, grandparents and friends took pictures in the back of the church near the Baptismal font. These windows have the most story telling opportunities. Many sermons were given by asking the congregation to turn around to focus on a window. It's one of my favorite parts of this church, my faith, and the memories I have from CCGT. I took a  youth group to Ireland in 2003 from the church. Some of my favorite days were when we were re-learning the gospel through the Celtic crosses and the stories they told.

EC was knocked out for the photo shoot. How beautiful is Hastings? I can't believe how big she is. She was just learning to walk in this post. Now she's singing Old MacDonald during the sermon!!!

Baptismal Font with peonies.

Flying Parker and Kathryn.

The morning of the baptism was also a Rite 13 ceremony. Christ is a teenager in this window teaching the elders in the temple (Luke 2:42-49). It's the reading as part of the Rite 13 service along with the reading of Psalm 139. It was a wonderful bookend for the baptism of this brand new baby and the 13 year old young people moving closer to adulthood. It all goes so fast and we do have to remember that we are marvelously made. 

After the wonderful service we walked back to the car on the most beautiful, chilly spring morning in Georgetown.

We got to Capital Hill and were greeted by a beautifully set buffet table, spring blooms and catering rounds in the den. The furniture usually in the den is now in the basement apartment that Marge and Scott just took back to add more space for friends and family to VISIT. Yeah!

I also loved getting to see my sweet friend Kimberly and her new baby boy. He was a big flirt and I loved snuggling with him during the brunch.

I had fun hanging out with Hastings and Kimberly's other two boys. Lord in heaven they are all so adorable.

Hayden is the oldest and just a love bug.

Oliver is a little mess and just the cutest creature. While Kimberly was nursing the baby I was hanging with the boys. All she heard me say is, "Oliver, Oliver, Oliver." Ha. Precious.

I tried to be creative in my entertainment and found a pencil for the fellas to bang the doorbell bell. It worked like a charm. I still got it. Baby boy whisperer.

Oliver was completely taken with Hastings' cousin's violin. Maybe we have a little musician on our hands.

We love you all and were so happy to share in this special time. We just need to see you and your precious girls more often. 

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Stone Hill Spring Blooms 2013

I don't think our garden has ever looked greener. This spring has just been incredible. When you look back to this post a few weeks ago the difference is awesome. Our pear blossoms bloomed on all three trees and we didn't have a wind storm knock them down this year. I'm praying for an ample crop. 

We had another Barred Owl land in this tree last week. I went over to see him and our neighbors all got on their decks to look at this majestic creature. He flew away, maybe due to shyness, and his wingspan was incredible. I call this the Owl tree now. The shot on the left was taken two days after the one on the right. We had some great rain that made everything come to life overnight!

Pear blossoms at sunset.


The weed of the season was chick weed. It was insane. I've never even heard of a weed of a season. But had to pull this stuff up before we mulched.

The bird nerd in me caught this Robin flying around the garden. I needed a faster shutter speed but still love that we have so many birds visit us daily.

Grape hyacinths always remind me of my friend Mander.

Tulips from our yard. I transplanted these bulbs while they were in bloom and they drooped in the yard. Had to cut them and bring them inside. The penny trick works so well!!! Add a penny to your tulip vases and they won't "over" open.

Creeping hydrangea.

One little red tulip bloom from our adventures at Sherwood Gardens last fall. We have another 5 blooms that haven't bloomed quite yet. I'm over the moon excited to have tulips in the garden.

Sweet Woodruff

Hasta shoots

More sweet Woodruff. I love this ground cover and moved a little bit to the front of the house. It spreads beautifully on a sidewalk.

We had four whole daffodil blooms.

E. thought I ruined the grasses by cutting them back. Behold! They live and are sprouting beautifully.

The pear blossoms make me so happy!

Our neighbors have fabulous daffodil's and have a new redbud tree. I just love the tiny slipper buds. We have so much mulching to distribute. I miss condo living when I see the pile of mulch, but then gasp in the glory of spring and this yard despite the hard work.

Sending great wishes from Stone Hill Farm to you and yours. What is blooming in your garden? Happy Spring!!!