
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Tranquil Tuesday: Signs of Spring

Happy Tuesday! It has been gray, wet and cold lately. I'm over it and so ready for spring. Daylight savings is such a treat but not when it looks so sad and gray until 7:30 pm. Eric spent the better part of St. Patrick's Day pruning the fruit trees. We didn't do this last year and suffered gravely. We didn't have ANY pears or apples. I love our pears and make a mean chutney with them. I went out to help as it is a beast of a job. You have to cut all the suckers down, and we had a ton. I hope we aren't pruning them too late. The buds are just barely showing. I know the best time to prune is when the tree is completely dormant. So please cross your fingers for us. 

A new addition to the garden this year are tulips. We went to the Big Dig at Sherwood Gardens this past spring. They allow you to come and dig up the beds and sell what you find for $.25 a bulb! I think we got about $30.00 worth from a few different beds. Who knows what color they are, or if they will even match, but I'm thrilled they came up at all. The first year we planted bulbs and the squirrels feasted on them like candy. We never saw one damn tulip. So I'm dancing a jig this St. Patrick's Day week to see these darling reminders that spring is almost here.

Our peony shoots were peeking their pretty pink heads out of the dirt as well. Never too many peonies or tulips in ones garden is how I see it.

And finally, I can hardly believe it but think we will have more than one daffodil grouping this year! I say this every year, but I swear we rake. The wind just blows every last leaf into the corner of our yard. I'm curious if the foxglove will bloom again. I've been told they come back every other year. It's like waiting for a present. Can't wait to see what happens.

The creeping hydrangea is also showing off her little buds.

So is the grocery store hydrangea. 

You can barely tell but E. did such a good job on the trees. When I went to help, he had the nerve to call me a know-it-all. I blamed Martha Stewart, of course. I'm obsessed with her and watch her show all the time. So what if I paid extra close attention to it this day. 

The other fun thing about our garden, is that each spring we get little treasures from years gone by. We literally find china in the dirt. Broken old glass bottles and other odds and ins. This year, a new piece of burgundy and white china. Not sure if this is 160 years old, or not, but either way it is fun to think of the dinners eaten on this plate. Maybe some pears, perhaps.

The sedum and wild strawberries are making their way as well. 

Wishing you all moments of peace to walk quietly in the garden and see what is coming up. Lent is such a great time to reflect and be quiet. I'm ready for the Easter season however. Let the countdown begin.

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