
Sunday, July 8, 2012

Be Present

E and I celebrated five years of marriage yesterday. We spent the day in New Jersey with his cousins for an incredible rib feast and family gathering. His cousin Irv cooked 52 pounds of ribs. The thermostat in the car hit 106 degrees on the drive up. In the middle of dinner the power went out at Irv and Esther's home. It was crazy hot but thankfully it was only out for thirty minutes. The food and fellowship was a huge gift. E continues to build the recipe of his grandfather Bub's famous ribs.  I love hearing him tell the story of watching his granddaddy wake up early, light his cigar and baste the ribs all day with his mustard base sauce. E would look out the window of his grandparents room and stare in wonder. I'm convinced this is a reason he loves to cook so much and especially grill out.

We are broke, jobless, and saving every penny we can until we figure out our next step with our future. At times we have felt like we are on the tarmac of our lives just waiting. Waiting for work. Waiting for news. Waiting for a child. Waiting, waiting, waiting to figure out what is next. With all of these trials and tribulations however, we have truly never been closer and happier in our five years of marriage and seven years together. God is so good and we know something incredible is on the horizon. I have to constantly remind myself to "be present". It is inscribed in E's wedding ring and is such a good reminder.  

Thank you Charlie for your incredible strength, faith and love in this tarmac time. You are my rock my darling. I love, love, love you the most and thank you for loving me still. Love, Mrs. Somerville


  1. Happy five years! You look beautiful in this photo. Sending you good thoughts.

  2. hurrah—happy 5th! that's a beautiful shot of the two of you. if it hasn't already, i hope it makes its way to a frame soon. like maggie, i'm sending you good thoughts (on all fronts!). xo

  3. I can’t wait to see what’s on the horizon for you two…I know it will be something WONDERFUL! Your positivity is SO inspiring and its true what they say...”good things come to those who wait”. xx

  4. Wishing the two of you a job very soon! In the meantime, being present is a great goal for all of us to strive for every day. Thank you for your post. Julie in Alexandria, VA

  5. I know this is so generic - but everything will be okay. Let me know if you want me to poke around down here for jobs for you - I did not know the hubs was out of work too... so sorry about that. I know you two are grateful for each others love and support.
