
Thursday, January 19, 2012

Madcap Coffee in Grand Rapids, Michigan


Christmas brought us to Michigan via road trip. We drove eleven and a half hours from Baltimore. We woke up the day after our drive and decided to head north another 45 miles to Grand Rapids. The coffee pilgrimage continued. E. was excited to check out Madcap Coffee. Seemed a bit crazy but there was no traffic and it was a gorgeous, cold winter day.

I grew up in Michigan and my oldest friends are spread out across the Great Lakes state. We called my buddy Andy on the way up north and tried to meet up with him in GR. He works in the building next to Madcap but was watching the kids so his hot wife could get extra Christmas shopping done. It was such a tease to be so close to them but we were on a coffee mission and had to get back to The Zoo in time for Baby Nephew's baptism. Loved talking to you Andy and had such a nice time in your town. The museum is killer and we got an extra present for my grandmother in the gift shop. As always, YOU ROCK!

E. didn't know that I had already put in the request with my Momma and brother to pick up a few bags of beans for his stocking from Madcap. He of course also bought a few bags. The thing with way fancy coffee is you can't really stock up on the stuff. You want the beans to be freshly roasted, within a few weeks. So we later picked up a bean storage can from Waterstreet Coffee Joint in Kalamazoo. 

The coffee altar at Madcap is raised just slightly, begging for the customer to come and worship the brews. My Episcopalian mind imagined the bean "bags" as kneelers and E. going up for communion in his "church" of sorts. This large open space had nave-like qualities with exposed brick and great acoustics. The choir of espresso machines and milk steamers worked in harmony on our visit. 

The beans are roasted in the "lower crypt". This church metaphor works...even though it may be a bit much.

The term Madcap comes from the play on Mad Cappuccino. 

Third Coast espresso was the gift of choice from my family to Eric. I love the detail on the packaging that had a fabric label.

The place was not that busy when we arrived so E. had lots of time to discuss his options.

I love pretty things. I'm still wooed by latte art and I'm finally beginning to actually taste the difference between my lattes too. This latte was the perfect temperature, using locally grass-fed milk, that showed off the coffee vs. scorching my tongue. 

E. ordered the coffee flight.

There were two single roasted cups and one blend.

It was one of the highlights of our Christmas trip. Just sneaking away for the morning. My family was like, "You drove where? For what? Coffee? I don't get it." It's okay guys. You don't have to get it.

Charlie, you are the heart in my latte. Thank you for our adventures.


  1. I understand why you did that trip. I can tell you that I did a crazy trip when I was a teenager, we went 40 miles with a car one night to buy hamburgers....

  2. I love that part of Michigan. We spend a week in South Haven each August! Wonderful blueberries! I enjoy your blog. Check my blog out - - I think you would like it too! Safe travels!
