October flew by and another huge highlight was becoming the godmother to this precious angel girl, Baby Hastings. Mary Margaret and I met at Christ Church, Georgetown oh so many years ago. It is always wonderful going to church with her and this was such a joyous occasion.
I have witnessed so many baptisms at this font. One child I remember was sitting in front of us. Lucie is now 14! I could hardly believe it. Seeing our priest bless Hastings and welcome her into the Body of Christ was so emotional. Scott and I of course had tears in our eyes. We cry. I love that! Eric and Mary Margaret are the quiet, soulful ones who I'm sure had similar emotions but not as evident. Hastings looked so beautiful in her gown and bonnet. Her godfather is their dear friend Chris.
Back on Capital Hill Marge pulled out all the stops for a gorgeous brunch.
I need the recipe for this grit casserole. It was divine!
They also served a perfect sausage breakfast casserole. Ohmygosh it was so good.
Hastings had a wardrobe change and wore this family gown from Scott's family. Both sets of grandparents were in town. Scott says I remind him of his mother Kim. Such a compliment as she is so joyful and fun. At their wedding, Eric and I were newlyweds and she gave us a set of Christmas ornaments with our initials. So thoughtful. I'm sick I didn't get a photo of Marge's family members Lynda, George, Rebecca and Robert. Too many Bloody Mary's and fun conversations I guess. We loved getting to know Robert, Marge's sister's new husband. His father is a photographer so he was snapping shots as well.
I did get to steal a few minutes with my precious goddaughter. Isn't she such a beautiful child? I know I'm biased but seriously! She is such a pretty baby girl.
We receive you into the household of God. Confess the faith of Christ crucified, proclaim His resurrection, and share with us in His eternal priesthood. BCP page 308I love baptisms. It helps reaffirm everything I believe. Our priest Stuart always adds a line, "You are marked as Christ's own forever." Amen!
It was wonderful being part of your special day Baby Hastings. I look forward to walking with you in Christ and giving you spiritual guidance along the way if needed. Just remember we all have faults and are not perfect. Christ makes it possible to feel whole, complete and affirmed. He died for YOU! Look for affirmation in Him, dear one and believe. Marge and Scott, thank you so much for the honor of this role. Love you so!
What a truly beautiful baby, and how lucky she is to have such an amazing woman as her godmother! Looks like it was a wonderful celebration Nelle, you look gorgeous as always!! :) LOVE that last picture xxoxox Hugs to you (and also precious Baby Hastings!) xoxo