
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Tranquil Tuesday: E's Birthday

We are still without power and it happens to be E's. birthday. This is a repost from last year. Eric, you make earthquakes, hurricanes and power outages fun. You are my favorite. Hurry home so we can talk a long romantic walk around the Inner Harbor by moonlight. Happy 38th Birthday!
Mrs. Somerville

Posted 8/30/10
Happy Birthday to my sweet husband fondly known as E, E-Boogie, Charlie, Uncle Charlie, Somerville and recently @MrBaltiville on Twitter.

I was recently in LA and got to hang out with one of our best men. Todd reminded me of our wedding day and how E's voice cracked while saying his vows. He said he could just tell that we were really, truly in love. It is a day I'll never forget and this photo says it all. E had just yelled a resounding, "Whoooohoo!" walking down the aisle and the photographer nailed my reaction. You are the most incredible man I've ever known. My nephew Brett after seeing this photo said, "You guys look so happy." It's pretty awesome that we found each other. And today I celebrate you with a list of things I love about you.

You are my compass when I get lost.

Your smile warms my heart.

You dance around the island at Stone Hill dance party U.S.A.'s.

I love how you really get to know people everywhere we go. You are an amazing listener.

You work harder than anyone I know. Your dedication to your job is truly admirable, even though I miss your face a bunch I do appreciate how much pride you take in your profession.

You have a great sense of humor.

You have really, really great friends.

You love to travel. I love that you have lived all over the world and that you live for the beach.

I love that we enjoy the same kind of stuff. Hiking in the rain for instance.

I love that my friends and family LOVE you. 

I love that you have a great eye for design, work on your car, go to the junk yard and fix anything that is broken. It's hot.

You are so friendly and helpful.

You love the finer things in life. Good wine.

Great food and conversation.


You love Stone Hill.

You love to cook and inspire others to cook.

You love your family. And I'm so lucky that your family loved me and made me feel welcome the first time you introduced us.

You finished your Masters this year. I'm so proud of you.

It has been an incredible year. You deserve all the best on your birthday and this year. Cheers to you my sweet friend. I love you.

Thanks to Jean and Charles for bringing Eric into the world 37 years ago today.


  1. Hey, he's my age! What a sweet tribute to your hubby - you guys are such a cute couple and seem to share a life full of love and happiness. Sorry to hear you've been without power - hope it returns soon!

  2. Happy Birthday, E!

    from Julie B. in Alexandria, VA

  3. What a great reason to celebrate E! Happy Birthday!

  4. Happy birthday E!
    Love that snow photo where everybody is holding a shovel.
