
Monday, April 11, 2011

Opening Day at Camden Yards

The Baltimore Orioles Opening Day was last Monday at Camden Yards. This is seriously one of the most, most fun events of the year in Baltimore. The whole city has a smile. There is hope for a great season every Opening Day. And this year we had a perfect day with 80 degrees and pure blue skies. And we won!

The stadium is always packed on Opening Day.

Baseball represents the start of spring for me. 

Camden Yards may be one of the most beautiful stadiums in the whole country. The views from the upper deck are glorious. You can see the round house at the B&O Railroad museum and the rowhomes of PigTown. The fruit trees in bloom looked so beautiful.

I was so thankful again for my camera on Monday. I can't believe I got this great action shot from the UPPER DECK. My mother would be so proud. She taught me the most about baseball. She worked for the previous owner of the Detroit Tigers back in the 80s. Ironically the Oriole's were playing the Tigers on Monday. I saw about three folks wearing the big D on their caps.

But since moving to Baltimore I have become an Orioles fan. I want our team to do well. It's good for tourism. I've even met Cal Ripken, Jr. who may be the nicest man in the world and loves Baltimore more than anyone!

I absolutely loved the view from my seat. The stadium was brilliantly designed to be downtown. If you are staying at any of the hotels it is just walking distance away. And the light rail drops off right outside the stadium. Many other cities, including Memphis, based their stadium designs on Camden Yards. If you have time, take the behind the scenes tour at Camden Yards the next time you are in town. 

The stadium also doesn't overwhelm the city. It was designed to be the same height as the old B&O warehouse.

Being in the upper deck had it's privileges.

The Bird flew by to see us!

Fans young and old get exited to see The Bird.

Our photo shoot with the bird was mildly successful.

It is sometimes more fun watching what happens in the stands than on the field. The hot dog guys were hilarious. Relish won.

My work pal J. Quinn and I had a great time. Stepping out of the building that morning I didn't have a ticket. Jen said, "I have an extra ticket." So I bought it from Quinny and we had the best, best time! She went to a pre-party at Pickles where her buddy was DJ'ing in the Red Bull booth in the palm of her hands.

I noticed this baseballs painted ont he sidewalk on the way out.

It was a wonderful day and we got to see a three run homer hit by Roberts. The place went bananas. It was amazing! Roar from 34 sums it up nicely.

Thank you Dennis and Ali for the most fun pre-game party all year. You all really know how to treat your guests to fine hospitality. Thank you too Jen Quinn for such a fun afternoon! Thank you Lord for the glorious weather and for the traffic breaking at just the right moment so I could get home in only 20 minutes.