
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Bird Nerd

We've been going to Memorial Episcopal in Bolton Hill. The church is celebrating it's 150th year. It is filled with the most wonderfully diverse group of people. I was in their production of The Sound of Music two years ago and got to meet so many neat people.

On Homecoming Sunday two weeks ago we had a brass quartet, the holy spirit stick with dove and a bagpiper welcome the congregation into the nave.

We also have a number of Raven's fans so the festive Advent purple is donned mid-Pentecost season.

On any given Sunday, this uniform is the norm. People in Baltimore celebrate Purple Friday's. Even the staff at some hotels wear the Raven's Jersey at their front desks When we made the playoffs  last year City Hall was lit up in purple majesty. It is the most awesome sports town. People have ONE team. Not like DC where you have so many other fans from so many different cities.

I am truly blessed to have such a fun job. I'm an event planner for the visitors bureau in Baltimore and I've been able to meet some of our city's finest. We got to meet Poe, The Raven's mascot, last year during a Raven's game. We had never even been to an NFL game before moving here. I'm a huge Michigan fan. Grew up going to Ann Arbor every home game. M&T bank holds approximately 70,000 fans. I was at a Michigan v. Ohio State game with 110,000 fans!!! The Big House is big baby! But to be on the field at M& T is pretty incredible.

And even as sad as the O's season has been, it is still one of the best stadiums to see a game! Plus, I'm a bird nerd.

I had lunch out at the Raven's offices last season and met  the quarterback for the Ravens, Joe Flacco. He played football with one of my youth groupies at Delaware. Derrick Mason was eating two tables away, as well as  Coach Harbaugh. But that would have been a little much don't you think? It took everything in my being to chill out.

Matt Birk was in our office last week for a board meeting for his foundation HIKE. He is the center for the Ravens. He's a good ole Minnesota boy. This was last Tuesday and he was pretty tired from the Jet's game. Got home at 3:00 a.m.  I bring my camera EVERYWHERE just for such awesome bragging photo opportunities. I'm very shy.

Plus I like to rub it in to my colleague, The Natty Rowe. He got a visit from the Peregrine Falcon at our building this week which excites me more than any of these fellas, frankly. There is even a falcon cam. We love our birds in Baltimore!!!
Thank you Baltimore. I love you and all of your wonderful birds!


  1. Sounds like a fun job!! I am loving that chunky orange necklace btw! xo Cindy

  2. Thanks Cindy. Got it at this great shop in Baltimore

  3. You radiate such a wonderful zest for life around you!

  4. Thanks for stopping by out Table! Hey, mark your calendar for Nov. 20. We are hosting another BlogLove event in Baltimore for Baltimore/DC bloggers and will be announcing details soon!

  5. Love the birds! Especially the real one.
